What People Are Saying
Check out all the great things people are saying about A Grateful Nation Remembers events!
"We love AGNR!"
- John Stewart
"A Grateful Nation Remembers is amazing! My husband and I have gone to the ceremony in Yuba City the last 2 years and each time it is just as moving as the first. We recommend this to anyone and everyone we know. We truly hope to teach our children as they grow the meaning behind Memorial Day and the many sacrifices made for their liberty and freedoms. It has been truly emotional and amazing to see my husband walk through and find many brothers he served with on the walls. Thank you for all your hard-work in putting these ceremonies on. You are helping to shape our younger generation to have a strong love of God and Country and ensure our nation stays great by never forgetting those who paid the ultimate price for us. Thank you!"
- Alyssa Marchuk
"AMAZING!!!!!!!!! This Memorial Day celebration honoring our fallen soldiers and all the other soldiers who come to this event is full of reverence, honor and love. Thank you for this special event. I think everybody should see the outdoor panels, as well as, the production inside the church. I truly believe that anybody who witnesses how this church honors our soldiers, you will never be the same. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Thank you, also, to all of our military and their family for their service and sacrifice."
- Kathleen Bozarth